Hourly Backup Add-on is now available
For the most time and business-critical websites, we have implemented hourly backups. Yes, a full site backup, every, single, hour!
2022 – a true mess
2022 has been a very busy year for us. We have soft-launched the service, offering premium, fully managed websites. With…
What makes a video ad go viral?
Secrets behind 3 of the most-watched YouTube ads. While no single formula exists for a successful video ad, we can observe what works to inspire our own media strategies.
Gen Z video viewing habits & trends
Modern life is stressful. Everyone has their coping mechanisms to calm down. We write in gratitude journals, take deep breaths,…
Bad bots wreak havoc for website owners
Bad bots wreak havoc for website owners, with consequences such as reduced performance, unhappy customers, fines from payment providers, and…