Interesting? Why don't you share it? Bad bots wreak havoc for website owners, with consequences such as reduced performance, unhappy customers, fines from payment providers, and hefty bandwidth charges. In some cases, they can even knock websites offline. Just see this 1-min video: However, you don’t need to worry if Closrr manages your domain. We help organizations across a variety of industries adopt a multi-pronged bot-fighting approach. It’s incorporated into our partner’s Cloudflare network, which supports over 25 million Internet properties and spans more than 275 global locations. By drawing on continuous threat intelligence from across that network, it offers behavior analysis, machine learning, and fingerprinting to remove much of the effort of combating bad bots. More info on our hosting: Tags# Cloudflare Interesting? Why don't you share it? Previous Post New servers! Next Post Gen Z video viewing habits & trends